Privacy Policy of Nova - Marketing Hub

Nova – Marketing Hub values the privacy and protection of its users’ personal data and is committed to following applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).

This Privacy Policy describes how Nova – Marketing Hub collects, stores, uses, and shares users’ information, as well as the rights of data subjects regarding the processing of their information.

Information Collection
Nova – Marketing Hub may collect the following personal information from users:

  • Full name
  • Email address
  • IP address
  • Location information
  • Payment information

In addition, Nova – Marketing Hub may collect information about the use of the site and services offered, including access information, activities performed, cookies, and other similar technologies.

Use of Information
Nova – Marketing Hub uses the collected information for the following purposes:

  • To provide and improve the services offered
  • To send information and communications related to the services offered
  • To personalize the user experience
  • To analyze the use of the services and the site
  • To comply with legal obligations and applicable regulations

Sharing of Information
Nova – Marketing Hub may share users’ personal information with third parties in the following situations:

  • When necessary for the provision of the services offered
  • With business partners for the improvement of the services offered
  • With government authorities if required by law or applicable regulation
  • In the event of the transfer or sale of Nova – Marketing Hub’s assets

Information Storage
Nova – Marketing Hub stores the collected information on secure and protected servers located in Brazil or abroad. The information is kept for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

Rights of Data Subjects
Data subjects have the following rights regarding the processing of their information by Nova – Marketing Hub:

  • To access the collected personal information
  • To request the correction or updating of personal information
  • To request the deletion of personal information
  • To revoke consent for the processing of personal information
  • To obtain information about the sharing of personal information

To exercise these rights, the data subject should contact Nova – Marketing Hub through the available channels on the website.

Changes to the Privacy Policy
Nova – Marketing Hub may update this Privacy Policy at any time, and the changes will be published on the website. We recommend that users check this page periodically to be aware of the changes.

To contact Nova – Marketing Hub regarding privacy and personal data protection issues, please send an email to